Best On Page SEO Optimization


SEO online optimization URL firstly did the snippet and title on page optimization SEO title must be perfect (avoid spelling mistakes) google has text capacity only 70 characters (limitations) google pixel width 512. SEO title must be in the capital letter. CTR (click through rate) keywords how much conversions. To improve the CTR rate we can use the star rating so we can improve the description. Webmaster tools changed into search console (mock point).SEO title will be unique when repetition,  not allowed then it shows error as duplication. On Page SEO optimization keyword cannibalism one or more pages with the same title competitions inside the website. If we skip the SEO title the h1 content shows the google. If the h1 doesn't take then h2 will be taken. The SEO title must have minimum 3words.


Meta description includes (Star rating improves contents) it must be unique. If we publish meta description without the title. The google automatically shows meta description primarily we can use the keyword in the meta description. Avoid more keywords stuffing. As per Google latest update (2014), meta description has 1024 pixel width, Title has 512 character limitation (155 - 160) in one page. Article post maximum up to 155 on one page. The date will show as per last updations. h1 heading is more important it must have 8 characters. These are the basics of Best On Page SEO Optimization.
