Importance of Twitter For Business - Study For Business Growth

Twitter is one of the biggest marketing in online business world. Truly, it has been growing faster than any other social network and is expected to grow at a faster rate in the near future.   As a marketing platform, Twitter offers plenty benefits to businesses.   In this article, we will find some potential benefits of using Twitter to achieve our business goals.

1.Increasing Customer Satisfaction with Better Customer Service

our existing or potential customers can follow our business updates from our Twitter account in real time.   This gives a unique opportunity to adjust or tweak all our business activities instantly

according to our customers’ reactions.   This ability alone can give an immeasurable advantage over our competitors who are not aware of the power of Twitter.   Also, we can search Twitter for any conversations that are related to our business and respond to feedback. This capability gives an opportunity to control and manage customer service for better customer satisfaction.

2. Breaking the Distanced Corporate Image and Communicating More Effectual
Anyhow, if we can’t make our business values and goals clear to people, all our marketing efforts become worthless.   Twitter can help in this matter by giving many opportunities to tell people clearly about our business values and goals. We can have day to day chats on Twitter and let people follow easily what we are up to.   We can answer their questions instantly and clear up any doubts they may have. As we become closer and more open to people, We break the distanced corporate image and start to communicate more effectively with people.

3. Generating Traffic for our Local Store and Website
By using Twitter, we can catch our customers’ attention with special offers or the announcements of online or offline events like contests.   When we arrange special offers or events, we can direct people to our local store or website to get more info, sign up, leave comments etc

4. Following the Trends in our Industry and Watching our Competitors Closely 
Clearly, Twitter is a marketing platform where the main activity is sharing information’s.   When we do a search related to our business or industry, Twitter will give you plenty of links to websites or blogs.  In fact, this is one of the advantages of Twitter which enables you to learn about current trends in our industry. We can research local and global trends on Twitter and reach up-to-date information very conveniently.   Also, we can search to find out about our competitors’ current activities and strategies and follow if their activities and strategies are successful or not.

5. Strengthening our Connection with our Local Community 
Twitter offers favorable opportunities both globally and locally.   If we have a local business or a local branch, we can involve this location to our tweets to make it known by our followers.   Also, we can share useful local information, offer solutions to local social issues and support local events or causes.   All these efforts will create awareness for our local business and strengthen our connection with the local community.

This post will give you a short idea about "Importance of Twitter in Business field".
