Introduction To Google Webmaster Tools In SEO

Google webmaster tools

This blog is discussing Introduction To Google Webmaster Tools In SEO. Webmaster tools changed the name into Search Console (mock point). SEO title must be relevant when repetition comes it's a problem error shows duplication. Keywords cannibalism one or more pages with the same title competes inside the website so the page ranking will be down. If we skip the SEO title the h1 contents show the google. If h1 doesn't take then h2 will take. The main feature of  Google is selected the relevant one. Google choose the relevant one. The main part is "Title" which must contain a minimum of 3 words.

Meta description 

meta description

HTML that describes and summarizes the contents of the page for the benefits of using and search engines. Meta description one of the main parts is "Star Rating" most of the one who is focusing on the star rating because of this feature depends on reviews and feedbacks. If the star will be high then automatically this page will be in top position. The important thing is this must be in unique. If we publish meta description and they have no title this will be an error. Avoid more keyword Stuffing.

As per Google latest update (2014)

  • Meta description (1024) pixel width.
  • Title (512) characters. 
  • Character limitation and One-page characters maximum up to(155-160).    
  • Article Post and Page contents maximum up-to (155).   
  • when we post public after that while running "Date Shows" web page body section.
  • The h1 must have 8 characters.
  This blog will give you a short description of the "Introduction To Google Webmaster Tools in SEO".

                                                                                                                                             Jithin k


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