History And Evolution Of SEO

History and evolution of SEO
SEO is now an integral part that makes the website to rank in top positions of SERP(search engines results pages). Let us take a look at the history and evolution of SEO. SEO characterized to three Crawling means scanning, caching means data saving, Index means a collection of information.  optimization divided into two  On page its functions modification inside the website and Offpage the contents information are not there in google is mainly focusing on trust and moreover, they are updating Keyword stuffing are mainly about Black Hat SEO technique and then White Hat SEO Technique and the main part is content specific. Link specific will be an important one this ensures buy a link from other (depends on money). Quality link specific will be there and these depend on page rank and the main thing is this will be out of 10.

Google Ad's is mainly done for marketing choose keywords then CPC (cost per click value) and main advantage customize the add as our wish for google. Adwords we can customize as per cost. The website monetization will be based on clicks. We can custom as our on wish- play, pause, refund. Google has a new team for the web spammers rank of the website will be there and mainly depends on users interactions and moreover time spending. Pogo sticking also introduced. In 2010 Google came on the peak of social media signal on the social application like facebook, blogs, then will be added a feature Authority value influential powers. In 2011 introduced PANDA this for content spamming this feature is mainly screening content quality pages.  

PANDA main features

Content Duplication function for screening content duplication from other websites quality contents for screening spelling mistakes content spinning for screening repetition of  words and finally Thinning pages screening contents in pages and panda in 2014 updation will be done and  version 4.0

PENGUIN updations in 2012 

Focused on link spamming and they are focusing on a paid link (sell and sold) for prohibition theses were used. they have internal links this will be an 
internal connection and then inbound links shared from another site. then command spamming connection we are commanding on other value site and their link will be paste on our site. wiki spamming also introduced for that they formed the moderators.   

In the above blog post, we have seen some of the updations that the webmasters need to take care while optimizing a page. Also, it had thrown out light into the history and evolution of SEO. Hope you enjoyed the post.
