How To Get More Traffic From Slideshare

What is SlideShare

SlideshareSlideShare was founded in 2006, and obtain by LinkedIn in 2012.It has become one of the 100 most inspect websites in the world, which has 18 million uploads in 40 categories. Suchlike high website authority, marketers have seen the SEO advantages that sharing their slides can have with SlideShare.
Perfecting Slides
Before sharing our slides on SlideShare, we should make sure they’re top-notch in terms of content quality and design, and optimized to please. These are the few tips to setup for slide sharing success.

Craft A Compelling Title And First Slide

With SlideShare’s LinkedIn partnership and rapid growth, we might feel a bit wary that your slides are going to get lost in the mix. This is why luring in our viewers with a compelling first slide (or slide cover) and click-worthy title is absolutely critical to get eyes on our slides.

Differentiate The Design Of Our Slides

We’ve all seen slide adorn with boring headlines, many bullet points, stock images of business men. Sticking to this template without putting any effort into our slides’ design is not going to help our marketing goals in any way, shape, or form. If the design of our slides is sub-part it could actually hurt our brand reputation.

Make A Clear Agenda

After our cover and introduction slides hook our audience in, the next step is laying out a clear and concise agenda of what our SlideShare deck will cover.
If critical parts of our presentation are baked into the middle or end of the deck, and that information isn’t readily reveal in the agenda, users who want that info might abandon our deck before they get to the good stuff.

Provide Actionable Takeaways

In order for our SlideShare content to be truly successful it must leave the reader with actionable takeaways that they can implement after going through our presentation.

Include A Call-To-Action Midway Through

As a marketer, we’re always thinking about how to drive more traffic to our website and closer to our “buy” buttons. 
SlideShare’s CTA feature allows to insert a clickable link in our deck, making it easier for the user to move down our funnel.
CTA’s typically appear on the final slide, but we can include them earlier just in case viewers don’t make it all the way through.

Triple-Check Our Grammar

There is nothing worst than publishing something only to realize later it contains a spelling or grammatical error. While may not notice, there are a subset that will, and this takes away for the authority of our brand. If a viewer catches our errors, they’ll think we’re sloppy and lose trust in our authority, and their chances of turning into a lead will disappear. So TRIPLE check our spelling and grammar, and have our copy editor check it as well.
Promoting Our Slides
Once our slides are looking stunning, we can’t just sit back, relax, and expect our SlideShare to go viral. We need to invest some time into promotion to drive as many eyes as possible to our hard work.

Optimize Presentation For SEO

Make sure spend time optimizing our presentation to get indexed. A few simple steps like creating an optimized title with the keywords we’re targeting, adding a compelling description that also contains the appropriate keywords, giving users the ability to download, and adding tags can improve the scrape-ability of our presentation.

Share Like Crazy On Social Media

We should be spreading the news about our SlideShare all over our social networks. Pin our deck to the top of our company Twitter feed, create a post promoting our SlideShare on Facebook (using a targeted audience), and take advantage of the tools LinkedIn has to offer to promote our SlideShare.

Email The Slides To A Relevant List

Finally, take advantage of the leads we already have to spread the news about our stunning SlideShare presentation by sharing it via an email marketing campaign.
